Ani: I’m 32 years old and last year I have a surgery of cyst on ovary, which has a Endometriosis and they remove ovary. After 6 ampules of Dipherelin and 9 months menses off I have again cyst on other ovary. In this moment I intake hormone to reduce it, but I not believe of that this give a result. Please help me to clean my genitals and intestine’s, because I have pain and congestion. If I fail that will remove the ovary too. In this moment except hormone I take one homeopatic cure Apis melifica, Samento on drops. Every day I drink 2 cups of fresh jus from cabbage. What else I need to take for intestine and Endometriosis? Thank you in advance.
Walter Last: The most important remedy is Lugol’s iodine. Do the intestinal sanitation as in the Ultimate Cleanse ( using psyllium and sodium bicarbonate for several weeks or months. Gradually increase full strength Lugol’s solution (contains 10% iodine) to 4 x 6 drops daily for 3 weeks, and then continue with about 5 drops once a day until the cysts have disappeared. Preferably take 1 tsp of Maca powder daily with food.
After the 3 weeks on high-dose Lugol’s also try the following for several weeks or months once or twice a day:
Oil-Protein Mix
Blend about 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 40 ml of flaxseed oil with 25 ml of liquid until the oil is no longer visible, also add a teaspoon of lecithin. This basic mix may be added to other food, such as a sprout or vegetable or fruit salad, or cooked vegetables, or it may be flavored with berries or chopped pawpaw or grated apple. Best also add 2 or 3 tablespoons of freshly ground or frozen linseed.
For more information see the website and books of Walter Last: