Aneta: I have diagnose sarcoidosis, 18 months I take Prednisolon and now from 2 months I finish treatment, but I think that I not restore to health. Please help me because besides lung are affected nervouses, joints and eyes! Thank you very much in advance!
Walter Last: Sarcoidosis is due to fungus – like mycoplasmas, follow the instructions in the Candida book but continue antimicrobial therapy for a long time, until recovered. The condition is made worse by vitamin D – avoid supplements with it and stay out of the sun, it takes some weeks until this becomes effective. Sun exposure causes weakness 2-4 days later. Probably the only effective medical treatment is low-dose long-term Minocycline therapy. This is an antibiotic if using it also take garlic and probiotics.
For more information see the website and books of Walter Last: