Hristina:After i stoped be breastfeeding, me appeared many small pimples all ever my face. I can’t make them disappear from a few months. I made your Candida test and her answer is that „you probably have candida“. What are your recommendations, nothing help me? Thank you!
Walter Last: If that are small blistery pimples then they are usually from overacidity, such as having too much acid fruits, also Candida can make you overacid. In this case neutralise any fruit acids with dolomite powder and take Lugol’s solution for 3 week (4 x 6 drops) for Candida. if the pimples are bigger and like acne then they are from too much saturated fat or sugar and flour. In this case use more fish oils, fruits and vegetables and minimise cereals.
For more information see the website and books of Walter Last: